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The Squat

Autorenbild: FloraFlora

When it comes to working out, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all training plan. Nevertheless there are certain exercises, that just about everyone should include into their routine. One of these exercises is the SQUAT.

Squats are considered a functional exercise. Functional exercises mimic movements that most people perform in everday life. Just think about it, every time you sit down on and stand up, you do a variation of a squat.

The squat requires several muscles in your lower AND upper body to work together simultaniously. These muscles help power you through daily tasks such as walking, climbing stairs, bending or carrying heavy loads.

The risk of injury can be reduced, if squats are incorporated in your workout regularly - by gaining and maintaining mobility and strength in your legs and hips. Squats also help you promote stable and healthy knee and hip joints.

As with any exercise there are some common issues people face when they squat.

  • knee pain – some people think they can`t squat because they have 'knee pain'. Truth is – if you work with a personal trainer or physio therapist, you will likely be able to improve your mobility and reduce your pain.

  • lack of mobility - with a proper warm up and plenty of practice and a professional guidance from a personal trainer or physio therapist you will eventually be able to do a proper deep squat, just be consistent.

That said here are some key points to be followed for a proper basic squat:

  • start with your feet shoulder-width apart, tows facing forward or slightly outward.

  • Start bending your knees and at the same time move hour hips back- and downwards as if you're gonna sit down on a chair. Remember to keep your chest up and to look forward.

  • Lower your hips until they are parallel with the ground, the weight is mainly on your heels.

  • Wait a second and then straighten back up, using your glutes to assist straighten the body up again

There's one more thing with the squats – you can practice them basically everywhere (: so there are no excuses for not doing them consistently.

REMARK: in the photo you can see a yoga variation of the squat, called the chair.

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