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6. Apr. 2021
SUN SALUTATION Surya Namaskar – let it flow
Sun Salutations are a sequence of gracefully linked Asanas that are synchronized with your breathe to create an intelligent and graceful...
48 Ansichten
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5. Apr. 2021
Healthy snacks for athletes -Hummus
I have been asked by some clients about my nutrition, which food I eat and also for some advice on healthy snacks. To start off with, as...
171 Ansichten
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30. März 2021
Half Moon pose
The half moon yoga pose is a standing, balancing pose that is particularly challenging.
28 Ansichten
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22. Feb. 2021
The extended Triangle | Utthita Trikonasana
Many people suffering from lower back pain spend most of their time sitting at work. Let me introduce you: The extended triangle pose or...
51 Ansichten
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21. Feb. 2021
A little bit about Yoga and me becoming a Yoga teacher
While I was sort of locked in Austria, I attended a 200hrs Yoga teacher training course from October til December 2020 and now I am the...
53 Ansichten
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